Organic Products

Organic Soybean Meal
(44% Protein)
Mechanically extruded and expelled soybean meal produced from high quality certified organic soybeans. Light in color, very consistent texture and analysis, and delivered within days of processing to retain freshness.

Organic Soybean Meal
44% High Bypass Protein Mix (Dairy)
Our Hi-Bypass soybean meal uses high quality organic soybeans that are processed at a higher temperature to achieve much higher levels for bypass (undegradable) protein, which aids in milk production.

HiPro Organic Soybean Meal
(48% Protein)
The same quality soybean meal as our 44% soybean meal, other than some of the fiber has been removed to increase the protein level. Our HiPro meal has the most condensed amount of protein available anywhere.

Organic Roasted Soybeans
High Quality organic soybean meal that has been flame roasted to neutralize the natural enzymes to make the soybeans more digestible to all livestock. We offer whole roasted soybeans and ground roasted soybeans.

Organic Soybean Oil
Our organic soybean oil is mechanically expelled using large, modern expellers. The oil then goes through our cleaning system to remove all the fine solids that would settle in customer’s storage tanks. We offer soybean oil in bulk form and in 275 gallon tote tanks.
Call us today at 315.548.9271 or fill out the form below.